If you need any clarifications or have any questions, please do feel free to write to us or click here to go to our online support and feedback form. We welcome every message and will answer your query within one business day.
Why do I need Secure IT ?
The only way of ensuring data security and privacy in a PC-based environment is by encrypting files. Secure IT uses Blowfish at 448-bit, one of the world's strongest encryption algorithms. It is computationally impossible to crack files encrypted with Secure IT. Secure IT also offers a choice to use the AES (Rijndael) symmetric encryption algorithm. Effective May 26, 2002, AES is the official U.S. Government standard. It replaces the previous standard (DES).
What kind of files can I encrypt?
You can use Secure IT to encrypt all kinds of files, from text documents, spreadsheets, pictures, files generated by accounting packages to presentations and even audio files. However, we do not recommend that users encrypt audio files as the encrypted file size for audio becomes very large.
I have forgotten my password. What I can do?
We apologize, but for your total security, there are no 'back doors' in the software. If you forget your password, there is no special procedure, secret code, or hidden entry method to fall back on.
To help in remembering multiple passwords, it is advisable to use a single encrypted text file to keep all the passwords
How long can my password be?
The maximum length of a password can be 100 characters. You can even have a sentence as a password provided the total length (including the spaces between words) is 100 characters.
I have accidentally shredded a file. How can I recover it?
Unfortunately there is no way anyone can recover a shredded file. It is for this reason that we recommend that users be extremely careful while shredding files.
I need to send some confidential data to my associate. Does he also need a copy of the program?
No. You can make a self-extracting encrypted file and mail it to your associate. All he or she has to do to access the data is enter the password. In order to help your associate guess the password, you can even enter the riddle field which points towards the password.
Is the program likely to be affected by viruses?
Secure IT uses some of the strongest copy protection routine in existence. As a result, at the first sign of a virus trying to attach itself to Secure IT, the program will crash. In several cases, if your virus definitions are outdated, this may prove to be your first warning that your system is infected. Once you have cleaned the machine of viruses, you will need to re-install Secure IT.
Files encrypted by Secure IT are not specifically targeted by viruses. However, some viruses delete data randomly, or even format hard drives. In this case there is precious little Cypherix, or in fact vendors of any other software you use, can do. We strongly recommend that you back up your data regularly.
Why do I get Virus alerts with self decrypting file?
Please note that older versions of anti-virus programs may treat the self decrypting file as a virus. Inform your associate to always use the latest virus definitions form the vendor of the anti-virus program.